The Boss – Feeder Guarding Is A Full-Time Job

We are still in the thick of school and life here. Thankfully, there are the hoards of hummers entertaining us from several locations indoors (from windows) and outdoors in between lessons, life, and appointments.

We named this guy Bruce, because he’s The Boss. In the evening, he will spend the entire time perched there, swooping off any would-be nectar-stealers. They just go instead to any of six more all-you-can-eat feeders where females and juveniles have learned to dine respectfully side-by-side.

But this feeder is HIS. Intruders be warned.

10 thoughts on “The Boss – Feeder Guarding Is A Full-Time Job

    1. Aren’t they fun? There’s always one bird we can count on to entertain us every season. Currently, there is one chunky fella — he’s as wide as he is tall! Can hardly fly he’s so fat. LOL

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    1. The pleasure is all MINE! Thanks for coming by and I’m super glad you liked it too. We only get a month or so with these little guys…gotta take every minute we can get.


      1. Yes, we’re getting there! ha. I’ve still got your email in my queue to respond to. 🙂 And even if I don’t always comment, I’m stalking…I mean reading your posts!

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